Thursday, May 26, 2011


After we got here, we decided that Arlington Cemetery would be pretty easy to get to.  Little did we know, NOTHING is easy to get to here.  I swear, somebody doodled all over the back of the blueprints that were supposed to be the roadway design.

Rant over.  Today in the cemetery, there were a bunch of soldiers putting out flags in preparation for Memorial Day tomorrow.  Every single stone had a flag.  If you haven't been there, it's hard to imagine exactly how many stones there are.  Let me tell you, there are a lot.  The entire property actually used to be a plantation that belonged to the Custis family, into which Robert E. Lee married.  As it turns out, George Washington was Robert E. Lee's step...grandfather-in-law (or something).  Whatever.  I'm not very good at history, as some of you may already be aware.  Anyway...the feds seized the Arlington Estate like a year after the Civil War began and they converted it into the cemetery we know today.  The plantation house is still here though and so are the gardens and the slave quarters.

Definitely a beautiful place.  It would've been a little eerie and very sad if there hadn't been so many people today.  Dad remarked to me that it was fitting we start our trip there.  It's good to be reminded just how many people have paid the ultimate price just so that we might be able to live lives without fear.

The Drive

Hello all,

Yesterday, I, my dad, and my stepmom packed up the car and began the long journey to Washington D.C.  For anyone I haven't already told, I have an internship here this summer.  I've never written a blog like this before, so you'll have to bear with me!

When we left on May 25, it was pouring.  We drove in the rain to Grand Rapids and it kept on raining through Ohio and through part of Pennsylvania.  I think we were probably driving at the same speed as the storm.  Dude, it was the biggest, worst storm I've ever been through and I'm so glad I wasn't the one driving!  There was even hail.  We stayed in Pittsburgh last night and then kept on going today.  I feel nice and rested now because apparently I can't stay awake in any car for more than 20 minutes.

FYI, it's like 94 degrees here.  I heard it was 58 in Michigan =).